2. In the description of bug \ mistakes, try to describe them as detailed as possible (under what conditions and what is wrong), so we can repeat all the steps to catch and fix a bug \ error. If the error occurred, which did not exist before — describe what has changed. Try to give as much information. If possible, please attach the screenshots of settings that you run a particular tool with.
3. Before you create a theme, use the search, maybe someone has published it before.
4. Topic name should describe its essence (please do not create a topic called «HELP», «I want», etc.).
5. If you created a theme and we have requested additional information and did not receive it within a month — the theme will be carried into the archive as not relevant
6. If you have a problem with postings via XML-RPC — send me a complete log (RMB on the window with log — export — Full log), if with postings via Auto posting — just need a log, if with the import – please send the files that was imported.
7. If you have an error that begins with the words «Access violation ...», do not show a screenshot of this error, simply write that you have an error of this kind.
8. If you're writing about a bug that is not in the latest version of Zebroid (on the home page is information about the current version), then you must indicate the version number in the message text
Comment was edited 2 time(s).
Last edit
25 November 2013, 18:51.