ZebroidForumPublic sectionQuestionsadding proxy template - i can't

adding proxy template - i can't

27 September 2012, 00:00
Registered at: 24 November 2013, 19:17
i have api proxy and i want to add template but if i add proxy template name and url and click SAVE — my template is no showing…
and if close this windows and open again i can see my template but my ulr adres is disapirer — i see google urladres only…

SOLVED[i added new template with my data]

what is happen if i have api?
1.is possible to Zebroid change proxy one per submitted post?
2. is possible that is no working proxies Zebroid is stopped and search new proxy from api list?

— it is very useful…

Comment was edited 1 time(s). Last edit admin 25 November 2013, 18:53.
01 October 2012, 00:00
Registered at: 10 July 2013, 15:00
1.is possible to Zebroid change proxy one per submitted post? - Yes zebroid changes proxy after the post is submitted 2. is possible that is no working proxies Zebroid is stopped and search new proxy from api list? - Yes, Zebroid checks for working proxy from your list All this steps will be made automatically, so you don't have to worry about such things

01 October 2012, 00:00
Registered at: 24 November 2013, 19:17
great! what type of modules not support proxy? (and why? :))

17 October 2012, 00:00
Registered at: 10 July 2013, 15:00
Only auto posting not supporting proxy, but it is temporary - we working on this

14 March 2013, 00:00
Registered at: 24 November 2013, 19:17
Autoposting proxy - why there is no such option?