Field collector
Fields collector can pull from the text values of a post. Fields like title, tags, description, date, additional fields, etc.
Before starting the fields collector you should create rules for finding values in the text. So just add the required list of necessary rules and adjust them.
Settings of rules for values:
- Get from - determines from where to get the values: from tag in angle brackets, from tag in square brackets or from regular expressions
- Write to - in which field the found value will be recorded (only for standard fields)
- Remove from the text - if active, after a successful migration all values ??in the required field will be deleted from the text of the post
- Tag name - if in the field Get from you’ve selected to get the value from tag, you must specify the name of the tag
- Reg. expression - if in the field Get from you’ve selected to get the value from regular expressions, you have to write a regular expression in the current field
- Group - a group from which to get the value for matching regular expression (0 - all content of found value)
Field name - the name of an additional field, which will be recorded in the value (only for add.fields)