ZEBROID - Technological Future: Web development . With the speed of light the soft will generate Adsense Ready Sites on more then 40 CMS Engines. Zebroid will help you manufacture the most complicated processes with maximum accuracy and relevance!

Installing the module for DLE


Installation of the module is very simple and consists of only three steps.

The module has been tested on DLE 8-9.x versions, but should work on older versions.

Module file can be found: zebroid.us/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t;=44

Depending on the version, the actions you should take has little difference.

Install admin panel looks like this:

Installing the module for DLE 8.x, 9.x


1. Add the "engine" folder into a root of the site



2. Edit file /engine/inc/options.php



array (
'name' => $lang['opt_rssinform'],
'url' => "$PHP_SELF?mod=rssinform",
'descr' => $lang['opt_rssinformc'],
'image' => "rss_inform.png",
'access' => $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['admin_rssinform']



array (
'name' => 'DLE Zebroid Import',
'url' => "$PHP_SELF?mod=dz_import",
'descr' => 'Import of content is prepared by the program "Zebroid"',
'image' => "zebroid.png",
'access' => "admin"


3. Edit file /engine/inc/dz_import.php


If you have an UTF-8 version of engine, then add this line

$is_utf8 = false;


[Change to:]

$is_utf8 = true;

After installing the module, go to Control Panel -> Other Areas -> Zebroid Import and begin to use smile

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