Program Settings
Program and Project settings.
- Image server – server of image uploading when posting through XML-RPC (when there are internal pictures, and the service does not support their uploading to its host)
- Show ID data in the project tree – shows the unique identificator of data record next to the article title in the tree (identificator is used for inner linking)
- Show the number of child elements – displays the number of child elements (the number of commentaries in the post) next to the article title in the tree
- Statistics under the text of the article – displays statistics under the text of every article
- Confirm removing tags from the dictionary – displays the window of confirmation of tag removing from the tag dictionary.
- Record activation by single-clicking – otherwise are activated by double-clicking
- Выключить стандартные модификаторы в регулярных выражениях - при активации этой опции регулярные выражения в программе ведут себя так, как должы вести себя по умолчанию. Иначе, всегда активны модификаторы: игнорирование регистра символов, точка заменяет любой символ (включая переносы строк)
- Маленькие кнопки главного меню - иконки главного меню имеют размер 32х32 (вместо 48х48)
- Timeout for proxy – the number of seconds to wait for an answer from proxy, used in XML-RPC
- History limit - the number of last actions remembered by the program allowing to make a roll back (the bigger the limit, the more memory is being consumed)
- Use processor cores – the number of cores allowed for the program to use while processing (search for duplicates, placing tags, searching and replacement). It is recommended to take one core less from the overall core number. For example, if you have a 4-core processor the optimal number for you to choose will be 3.
- Checking for updates at startup – if activated , the updater will be launched by the program at every startup. If there are no updates available, the updater will be closed.