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Program update


How to use the updater

Run updater.exe. The program will check program versions available to upgrade and will offer to download new versions.

If you do not have the latest version of the program you will see a list of changes which describes all the new features from the first later version then yours up to the latest available. If new versions are not available, the program will tell you that you are using the latest version.

Also, you can choose the version you want. This is done for the reason of necessity for some users to return to a previous version or to pump the latest update.

After clicking "Next" button you will see the process of downloading updates:

On the next screen, the program checks the integrity of the downloaded archive. If at least one of the files will not be able to unpack - the program does not allow to continue the upgrade. In this case, you will need to restart the updater and try again.

If all is OK, you can click on the "Next" button, the program will apply the update and inform you about it. After clicking "Finish" the updater will be closed and you will be able to run the latest version of Zebroid.

How to upgrade an additional license

  1. Update programs basic license.

  2. Run the program, select "- Prepare archive for additional Licenses updates. "

  3. Copy the archive with add. license to your computer and unpack it in the root program folder.

This operation takes no more than 5 minutes.

Where the user data (for transport) is stored

For convenience, all user data stored in the userdata, and all projects - in projects folder. So the data transfer shall not create any difficulty.

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