Tag Dictionaries
To create or edit marks dictionaries open the corresponding window:
In the upper edge of the window there is a list of previously created dictionaries and the keys to administer them (creating, editing, and deleting). After creating a new dictionary select the marks it is going to contain. It can be done manually, using context menu:
When adding or editing a mark the fields Mark and Mask activate. The first field determines the way a mark will be drawn to the marks field if the coincidences have been found. The second – a mask to search the word by (the symbol* in the mask word is assessed as none or more letters, and the symbol + as one or more letter). For example, in such combination:
All the words starting with «zebr» will be searched, for instance: zebra, zebras etc. The word Zebra will be placed in the marks field.
Also, the marks dictionaries can be filled with the help of article text analyzer, which sorts the words being used in all the articles according to the frequency of their usage.
For this, you need to determine minimal word length selection limit (how many results should be displayed) and press the analysis key. The option Stamming – gives a possibility to translate the words into the initial form, therefore simplifying the process of formation of marks dictionaries (but works with Russian words only).
After the analyses choose the needed words for the dictionary (it can be done by double clicking the button with green arrow).
Those words that won’t be needed for any dictionaries can be added to the black list. In the future such words will be ignored when analyzing the text. The key Edit BL calls the window with the black list of words.