Additional (Post Editor)
Following items can be edited in the Additional Tab of post editor:
- Additional categories
- Additional fields
Following items can be edited in the Additional Tab of post editor:
The main menu looks the following way:
Lets take a closer look at submenus.
Create – Closes current and open new project;
Open – opens selected previously created project;
Rename - Renames current project;
Save – Saves currently opened project;
Save As… - Save currently opened project with a new title;
Import – Imports posts from html, txt and etc.
XML Import template - XML Import template configuration
XML-RPC - Remote Procedure Calling protocol;
Export – exports project in to selected formats;
Divide Project - Divide project by specified order in to smaller ones;
Minimize - Minimize – Collapse main panel in to the toolbar;
Options – Current project options;
Exit – Exit soft.
With post editor you will be able to change page properties, edit text and etc. It looks like this:
The upper part of the panel – is website page property, which will contain the post (title, keywords, description); alt name – user friendly URLs will be formed automatically depending on the title however can be although edited manually. Description, Feild depending on your configuration can also be formed automatically
First of all note that project consists of 2 parts:
First - is the main site content. Second - usually contains of – info about site or/and the owners, and sometimes are completely not included. The is no point to discuss them separately because they have no fundamental difference, but on the website (some engines) they will be in different sections, that is why they placed separately in the soft.
For people who do not understand the concept static pages my advice is not to bother yourself with this minor issue and work entirely with the blog.