Project structuring function description:
With Project structuring you can create and edit complicated project structure with minimum minimal effort and time. It will simply create easy navigation and improves chances avoiding sandbox. All that is needed from user is to describe the desired structure of the site and choose keyword distribution syntax.
You can select desired categories and posts that will take a part in structuring on the left side of the panel. To you right you will see future project structure that has to be describes first. With the help of the content menu user can create categories and combine entries. I don't think further categories explanation is necessary instead lets take a close look at Combined entries - are entries that will be combined by selected keywords and will be placed in single suitable entries, as a result in the output we will get one big entry composed from a group of small ones.
The structuring panel contains controls of that system:
- Title - title of the future or combined category
- Keys - keywords templates that will define category post placement.
- Search fields - were exactly zebroid should look for flags
Post Header for combined entry - is a header that will be present at the beginning of each separate entry. For example if the output entry will consists of 3 sinle one's with titles "Entry1", "Entry2", "Entry3" and header configuration as in the screenshot configuration, then entry sourse code will look the following way:
<h3>Entry 1</3>
... Entry content 1 ...
<h3>Entry 2</3>
... Entry content 2 ...</h3>
<h3>Entry 3</3>
... Entry content 3 ...
Press Analyses to preview statistics of post assignment to certain category.
Distribution presses
For easy understanding were and how distribution will take place it is necessary do describe principles that will apply :
1. First of all selected post in the left panel will be distributed between first level for the future structure. If single entry is matched to a couple of categories it will be placed to the one with least entries this will create even content distribution.
2. Then first level categories entries will be distributed between parent elements note (only those entries will be distributed that took part in the first level distribution). If any of the entrees didn't match neither first level or parental elements then they will stay in default category.
3. Next step is distribution of lower level entries by the same principles.