ZebroidDocumentationAPICreation scripts of Autoposting

Creation scripts of Autoposting

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In program: Project → Export → Autoposting → Creation of templates
To create templates for autoposting in Zebroid on most not so difficult, often created templates by people who never did that before. But in certain cases nevertheless skills of programming are necessary. In this article principles and accessible functional for creation of the templates of Autoposting are described.

For those who have no desire or abilities to create such scripts there is a theme of orders a spelling of scripts in the closed branch of the program at a forum. But it is necessary to understand that a priority of such orders before the basic work on the program much more low.

First of all it is necessary to open an autoposting window, tab «Creation of templates» and to add the template. It is recommended, that any project for Zebroid that at once it was possible to test scripts has already been loaded.

Creation of templates

Window of creation of scripts of autoposting

Window of creation of scripts of autoposting

On this tab scripts for posting are created. Here we have the list of templates and their editor. The editor consists from 2 parts:

  1. Editor of a script
  2. Editor of additional fields and test variables

The first is responsible for algorithm of work of a template of posting (more detailed about all procedures and to variables it is possible to find in following parts of this article), the second — for presence of those or other fields in a body of a script and for the data necessary for the test of a script for working capacity.

I will stop on the editor of additional fields as for its use the knowledge of a format of record is necessary. So a format following (each new record since a new line):


Variable Name can be any. It as a matter of fact that the program searches before script start to replace with value. the description is what to see the user in the list доп. Fields which it is necessary for it to fill at account creation. value by default is a value which is established before the user will enter the. During the test, the program uses value by default at filling доп. Fields.

Since the version of the program 4.5 in Zebroid there is browser Chromium support (was Internet Explorer earlier). At creation of scripts there is a choice for what of browsers to do a script, but it is recommended to use only Chromium as Internet Explorer in the future it will be cleaned. At present support of this browser exists for return compatibility and possibility to translate the scripts under a new cursor.

Syntax of scripts

In autoposting scripts it is used Pascal syntax. Almost all accessible functions of this programming language are realised. Besides ready functions for management of the browser from the program and work with the project are added.

Ready functions are conditionally divided into 3 groups:

  1. Cores
  2. Additional
  3. Functions of a professional mode of posting (the out-of-date mode, in Chromium is not used and in the future it will be cleaned)

The first comprise the most necessary functions for work with the project and posting on sites. The second — additional functions which happen are seldom claimed. The third — functions of work of a script in a mode of the professional (it is a mode in which the program transfers full control to a script and does not interfere with its work).

Standard variables:

  • $POST_TITLE — a record name
  • $POST_CATEGORY — a name of parental record
  • $POST_TEXT — the record text
  • $POST_BRIEF — the post announcement (the text to тега <undertakes! — more->)
  • $POST_TAGS — таги records
  • $CAT_NAME — a category name (basically one and too as $POST_TITLE)
  • $POST_DATE — full date of the publication
  • $POST_YEAR — year of the publication
  • $POST_MONTH — month of the publication
  • $POST_DAY — day of the publication
  • $POST_HOUR — hour of the publication
  • $POST_MINUTES — minutes of the publication
  • $POST_ALT_NAME — URL article name
  • $POST_META_KEYS — meta keywords
  • $POST_META_DESC — meta description
  • $__the NAME — value add. fields with a name the NAME (the name can be any)
  • $URL — values of a field «the site Address»
  • $LOGIN — values weeding «Login»
  • $PASSWORD — values weeding «Password»
  • $NAME — values of an additional field of a script

Attention: the Given variables cannot be used out of compulsory procedures Posting and AddCategories (or procedures which they cause).

Compulsory procedures:
procedure Login();//login procedure on a site
procedure Posting();//procedure of addition of posts
procedure GoToCatSetings();//calling in admin panel where categories are added
procedure AddCategories();//procedure of addition of categories

Main functions

Functions that works with Excel

Professional mode of posting

The ABM a mode is a mode for skilled coders which are capable to understand the documentation of its use, have skills of programming and all consequences of use of this mode incur.

That includes the ABM a mode:

  • any restrictions
  • full access to the project data
  • additional possibilities of management of a posting window

The program defines presence of the ABM of a mode of a time to the first line of a script of posting, namely it should be that:

Program InProffesionalMode;

The performance order опреаций in the ABM a mode is defined by a design «begin end.»
I.e. the pig of the ABM of a mode looks as follows:

Program InProffesionalMode;

//Procedures and functions here

  //the Order of performance of procedures and functions here

Data at the disposal of scripts in the ABM a mode