ZebroidDocumentationSupported CMS

Supported CMS


AreaVoices.com — Service of personal blogs which is based on CMS WordPress. Zebroid supports practically too most, as for WordPress, except comments.


Beon.ru — domestic blog service. Each interested person can be registered and receive in the order a personal blog in the domain beon.ru.


BlinkWeb.com — The English-speaking server of conducting personal blogs. Service has very limited функционал, as a matter of fact is able only post. Has no import function (so also synchronisation), editing (so it is not supported internal relinking) and the simplified login (that does not allow to check up account «living creatures»).


Blog.com — Service of personal blogs which is based on CMS WordPress.

Зеброидом all is supported practically too most, as for WordPress, except comments. Allows to create categories (the necessary hierarchy), supports records with a mark a draught copy, static pages etc.


Service online of diaries Blog.ru. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.


Blogger — web service for conducting blogs with which help any user can get the blog, without resorting to programming and without caring of installation and software adjustment. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.

Interaction occurs to service in 2 ways:

Blogolet (LitePublisher)

Блоголёт (English version LitePublisher) — fast and easy CMS on similarity WorPress. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.


Bravenet.com — Quite good, in respect of a trust, English-speaking a web a platform.


CMSimple — a simple and easy control system of a site content (CMS), developed by Peter Anders Harteg (Peter Andreas Harteg). CMSimple works on files.

DataLife Engine

DataLife Engine is a news cursor popular in a RuNet. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).


Diary.ru — the Russian service of online diaries. For 11 years has collected more than one million users. Zebroid support import of a content from a site in the program and export from the program on a site.

Drupal 6

Drupal — a popular free control system of contents with the open code, written on PHP. At the heart of Drupal the powerful modular kernel lies, is developed and supported by thousand developers all over the world. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).

Drupal 7

Drupal — a popular free control system of contents with the open code, written on PHP. At the heart of Drupal the powerful modular kernel lies, is developed and supported by thousand developers all over the world. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).


Empowernetwork.com — service of conducting personal blogs. Zebroid is able to create blog pages adding them in the necessary category.


FC2 Blogs: simply and free of charge! Volume of given memory 2GB. Set of icons, дизайнов, templates, possibility for partner programs.


HostCMS — удобная, быстрая и современная система управления сайтами с открытым исходным кодом, позволяющая создавать сайты любой сложности. Зеброид поддерживает HostCMS версии 6 и выше.


InsaneJournal.com — service of online diaries on similarity LiveJournal. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.

Instant CMS

InstantCMS it is a free multipurpose control system of communities. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).

Joomla 1.0

Joomla represents free system for creation of web sites. It is the project with an open initial code which, as well as the majority of similar projects, is not necessary on a place. It very successfully develops, during here seven years, and is popular at millions users worldwide. Zebroid only to export articles on a site.

Joomla 1.5.x

Joomla represents free system for creation of web sites. It is the project with an open initial code which, as well as the majority of similar projects, is not necessary on a place. It very successfully develops, during here seven years, and is popular at millions users worldwide. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).

Joomla 1.6 - 2.x

Joomla represents free system for creation of web sites. It is the project with an open initial code which, as well as the majority of similar projects, is not necessary on a place. It very successfully develops, during here seven years, and is popular at millions users worldwide. Zebroid is able to create posts, categories and comments for this CMS and as to import articles from a site to the program.

Joomla 3.x

Joomla represents free system for creation of web sites. It is the project with an open initial code which, as well as the majority of similar projects, is not necessary on a place. It very successfully develops, during here seven years, and is popular at millions users worldwide. Zebroid is able to create posts and categories for this CMS.


JournalSpace.com — service of personal blogs which is based on CMS WordPress.

Zebroid supports practically most, as for WordPress, except comments.

Kandidat CMS

Kandidat CMS — the simple control system of a site which are not using bases MySQL. Zebroid supports only export of articles and categories to this CMS.


LiveJournal.com is a free service for your diaries and blogs, with access options, storehouse of photos etc. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.


LiveStreet is a free engine for blog-social networks. Zebroid is able to create users with avatars, to create blogs, posts, comments (including treelike) to establish ratings, voices, force…


MaxSite CMS it is intended for creation of sites of various complexity. It is a blogo-like cursor which took more inspired at WordPress. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).

MODx Evo

MODx Evo — a control system of a content and a platform for creation of web sites and web appendices. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.


Export in MODx Evo is carried out in a kind file export. To import created during export by Zebroid a file in CMS — it is necessary to establish the import module.

MODx Revo

MODx Revo — a control system of a content and a platform for creation of web sites and web appendices. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.


Export in MODx Evo is carried out in a kind file export. To import created during export by Zebroid a file in CMS — it is necessary to establish the import module.

Monstra CMS

Monstra CMS is a control system of a site with an open initial code and the free licence. It is written with use PHP, for data storage uses XML that idle time for understanding and fast in work allows to be to system.

Nano CMS

Nano CMS — very superficial and fast CMS on files.


NanoGrabbr is a first Russian engine for micro blogging. It allows to place microposts (texts, references, pictures-videos), and also to «plunder» RSS. In general, it is type Tumblr, only on your host and under your control.


NetCat is a professional control system of sites, it is developed since 1999 and is one of leaders in the Russian market commercial CMS. Zebroid supports only export of articles and categories to this CMS.


phpBB — a popular script of a forum. phpBB it is created in 2000 and for today is the forum most used in the world with an open initial code. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).

Rumba XML

Rumba XML — CMS on files for a news site, a blog, a site of cut-away, personal page. Zebroid supports only export of articles and categories to this CMS.


CMS Santafox introduction of the convenient tool in use for working out and support of a corporate site of the company sets as the purpose.

Simple Machines Forum

Simple Machines Forum (SMF) — бесплатный интернет-форум, написанный на PHP с использованием базы данных MySQL. Zebroid умеет создавать форумы, топики и сообщения на этом форуме.


sNews one of the most compact CMS in the size of all in 100 KB php a code. Its compactness has not gone in any way to a damage of its functionality and is one of the most optimum for creation of a simple personal page or small блогистана.


Squarespace is the easiest way for anyone to create an exceptional website. Зеброид поддерживает экспорт в формате WordPress который принимается для импорта этой платформой.


Squidoo is a site allowing you very simply and quickly to create own pages (so-called «lenses»). It is very popular in an English-speaking segment of the Internet.


CMS «Status-X» – is flexible and universal system and it is intended for creation and efficient control a wide spectrum of Internet projects.

The system includes a considerable quantity of modules and blocks, and it can be used, as for creation of a simple site-cut-away, and a difficult multidomain corporate portal with the high-grade…


Taba.ru — a platform for creation of sites quickly and cheaply. Independent creation of a site and the Internet of shop from zero.


The control system of sites TDSSE CMS is a cursor working on simple text files (cms without mysql and other extraneous heavy databases), i.e. uses so-called Flat File database. Unfortunately the cursor does not develop any more.

Template CMS

Template CMS is a fast and small control system of a site written on PHP which allows to create easily a site cut-away, the satellite, a homepage to the person not having special knowledge in php or html.


Tumblr is the service of microblogs allowing users to spread text messages, images, videoclips, references, citations and audio records in them. Zebroid is able to create text messages.


TYPO3 — система управления сайтами (CMS/CMF) с открытым исходным кодом и свободной лицензией. Одна из самых популярных CMS в мире. Зеброид поддерживает экспорт статей с сохранением структуры в эту CMS.


UMI.CMS Is a fast and convenient commercial control system of sites. Zebroid is able to work with its built in module of Internet shop.


vBulletin — a commercial web forum, and also since 2009 CMS, developed by company Internet Brands Inc. The given software is written in language PHP and uses for conducting the database server MySQL.

Export to this CMS is carried out in the form of a profile autoposting. The profile is included in complete set Zebroid. If for any reasons you do not have this profile download you it can (to unpack on this page in a folder Zebroid\userdata\Autoposting Scripts\Default\).


Webs.com — English-speaking service of creation of personal sites. Has module «Blogs» in which is able to post with Zebroid.


For today WordPress — one of the most popular platforms for blogs. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).


WordPress.com — service of personal blogs which is based on CMS WordPress. Zebroid supports practically most, as for WordPress, except comments. Allows to create categories (the necessary hierarchy), supports records with a mark a draught copy, static pages etc.

Zebrum Lite

Zebrum Lite — a free engine for the minisites, working on text files. The cursor extends with an open initial code. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.


Export in Zebrum Lite is carried out in the form of file generation «pages.txt» which can be imported built in in CMS means. For this purpose you need to export the project and to throw the generated file in a folder tools, on servers and to start an import script. As do not forget to copy a folder with pictures which creates Zebroid together with a file «pages.txt» in the root catalogue of a site.