Working with text
There are cases when the text needs to be broken into paragraphs. The reasons can be a little: too big paragraphs on the size in the text, too small paragraphs or their absence. The correct size of paragraphs facilitates process reading of materials and give, in some measure, to them more elegant and human kind.
There are situations when articles have got to the project improper or not unique (among themselves). To search for such articles manually on the big projects practically it is not real. Or cases when headings of articles it is necessary to lead эдиному to style and to remove from them superfluous symbols and blanks. In it should be engaged, and is engaged, the program.
The tool for an insert of a code necessary for the user in texts of articles. It is used for arrangement of a code of division of article on коротку and full news, inserts of codes of stock exchanges, банеров etc.
The collector of fields allows to extend from the text of value of writing fields. These are such fields as the name, labels, the description, date, additional fields etc.
If it is necessary for you перести texts, Google Translate — the excellent decision. Zebroid supports it the translator and is able to translate texts with its help in some streams, i.e. quickly.
If you have a necessity to add in texts of articles certain keywords then you will be helped by the tool «Podmeshivanie of keywords». The program inserts keywords as is without morphology therefore given функционал will not approach for articles of sites of level СДЛ.
Selection of keywords facilitates a problem of a choice of keywords for site advancement in LF and СЧ. The given tool is useful for using, when you want to receive the additional traffic on low-frequency keywords, but do not know with which words better to work, to receive the best result.
Manual рерайтер — the tool of manual processing and уникализации texts. It provides as much as possible convenient and fast processing of texts. As texts are processed manually quality on an exit considerably surpasses quality of any other means automatic уникализации texts.
The Best Spinner — very popular service уникализации English-speaking texts. Has very extensive and qualitative base of synonyms that allows to copy qualitatively texts leaving their comprehended and doing their unique in the opinion of ПС.
Similar articles — the tool which searches for articles similar on flowing and inserts on them the reference in the end of the text. It allows competently перелинковать the project.
By means of it the menu you can carry out search and replacement under all documents in the project. It can be both cleaning from unnecessary symbols, and replacement of one variant by the second. The tool supports regular expressions and search in several fields of article (heading, the text, the description etc.).
The tool Breakdown of articles allows to break the big articles into smaller to the signs necessary to the user. As this tool is applied after import of text files, to their subsequent breakdown on separate articles.
Text-through built in синонимайзер the project allows уникализировать texts by means of replacement of words and a word combination on their synonyms. Quality синонимайзинга and readership of texts completely depends on used dictionaries. It is recommended to use dictionaries in which the majority of replacements is based on word combinations, instead of words. It is allowed is achieved in the best results both in uniqueness of texts, and in their perception by the person.
Zebroid is able not only to search automatically for labels to each article, but also then to allocate these labels in texts, concluding them in necessary to the user теги (strong, em, b, i). As, besides allocation of keywords in texts, the program is able to conclude some paragraphs in теги citing that in some measure as influences uniqueness and appeal of texts.
Essence of this method уникализации in «interlacing» of a content from several independent sources. We will tell you have at the order a content taken with the big automobile portal, a blog of the motorists, several ЖЖешек and the book about safe driving. Clearly that these materials conceptually the close friend and perfectly approach the friend for hashing. As soon as you were defined with sources of a new content, you load them into the project keeping each source in a separate category (not necessarily).
Then set the sizes of articles on an exit, mark articles which it is necessary to use as sources and a way of formation of names to new articles. Start process and the program processes articles forming new, unique texts. Читабельность such texts will wish certainly the best, but in a case if unique texts for сплогов, дорвеев or other projects for which читабельность not key parametre — the way perfectly will approach are necessary for you.