ZebroidDocumentationPluginsUsage of plugins

Usage of plugins

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Plugins (expansions) are modules which supplement or expand program possibilities. Feature of plugins of Zebroida consists that they have an open initial code (everyone can bring editings necessary for it in already existing modules) and they are created on known for much programming language PHP.

First of all, that there was a possibility to start plugins, it is necessary to copy in the necessary folder php the server and to adjust it properly. You can find the necessary information in this article: "server Installation".

After that it is necessary to establish necessary plugins , or to write the plugins .

If it is already made — it is possible to pass safely to options of plugins. The plugin window consists of two parts:

  1. List of adjustment of a plugin
  2. Information window

Plugin Options are necessary that the user had possibility to affect behaviour of a plugin. Options can be much, and can and not to be at all, all depends on a plugin and its developer.

Information window displays the information on problems and features of a plugin and result of work of a plugin. Presence of any information (as initial, and about results) depends on, whether their developer so it is quite possible has written that the window will be empty.