ZebroidDocumentationCMS installerLightpublisher installation

Lightpublisher installation

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Site CMS: pic  blogolet.ru

Supported versions: 5.46 +

Possibilities: installation CMS, installation of plug-ins, installation and theme activation

Isolation of installation of plug-ins: each plug-in should is in a separate folder in Zebroid\CMS Installer\Блоголет\plugins\. The name of a folder with a plug-in should be original (same as it goes in archive) as on this name the program then searches for a theme for activation on a site.

Isolation of installation by that: each theme should is in a separate folder (usually they and so go in separate folders in archives). The name of a folder with a theme should be original (same as it goes in archive) as on this name the program then searches for a theme for activation on a site. Templates can have a preview.