ZebroidDocumentationTagsCreate tag dictionary

Create tag dictionary

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In program: Метки → Tag dictionary
Zebroid is able to select itself to each article relevant to it labels. For this purpose there is a tool arrangements of labels . But before beginning arrangement of labels to you it is necessary to create dictionaries of labels as which you consider necessary and which the program will search in texts and headings (if, of course, you do not use a mode of arrangement of labels by popular words in article).

Process of creation of dictionaries the extremely simple, Zebroid will make the most difficult work — will analyse texts in search of the most suitable words.

Drawing up of dictionaries of labels

Drawing up of dictionaries of labels

First of all it is necessary for you to create the new dictionary of labels (Having caused the contextual menu for the left top list). Is better to name dictionaries on their subjects (medicine, food, a software etc.). After the dictionary is created also you are ready to its filling — open the project which will be анализовать and from which texts you will choose words for the future dictionary of labels.

Further start the analysis of texts, preliminary having adjusted the program how it is necessary for you:

  • Lemmatizirovat — this option will give of a word in the initial form (only for Russian), for example from words «a zebra, zebras, by zebras» to do one word «zebra». It will allow will get rid in the list of superfluous variants and to yield more exact results of popularity of each of words. Besides labels will be at once in the correct form. Unfortunately this option does not work at work with word combinations
  • the Minimum length of a word — set the minimum length of a word for labels. It it is necessary to eliminate «garbage» words, such as «on, from, to, and, and» etc.
  • Quantity of words or it is long word combinations which the program for your dictionary should search. It is possible to do selection of words in some calling, for example: at first to pick up single words for labels, then a word combination from two words, then from three etc.
  • a sample Limit — quantity of words which will be shown for a choice of labels after their analysis

After the analysis, you will have a list of words sorted as their popularity. Those words that you consider suitable can add in the dictionary.

Words as which you consider «garbage» (i.e. such which it is exact, in your opinion, will not enter in one of dictionaries of labels) it is possible to add in the black list (button «ЧС» — the black list). At following analyses such words I will be ignored by the program. The black list later can be edited (to add or change).

As, you can bring manually words in the dictionary of labels or edit already added. For this purpose use the contextual menu in the left part of a window.