ZebroidDocumentationTagsTags insertion

Tags insertion

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In program: Tags → Insert
Zebroid is able to select itself to each article relevant to it labels. If you want, that these labels were from the set defined by you before arrangement of labels it is necessary to create the dictionary of labels . Process of arrangement of labels enough simple also is as much as possible automated.

the Window of arrangement of labels to project articles

the Window of arrangement of labels to project articles

A number of options of the tool will allow to let know to the program which you want to receive result.

the Source of autolabels – whence to the program to take a label for article. There are 3 variants:

  1. Dictionaries of labels – words for article labels are searched, depending on their presence, in the chosen dictionaries
  2. article Heading — words undertake only what are in heading
  3. often used words – article labels are formed of often used words in this article. It is used, when quality of labels has no value and there is no need to create the dictionary

the Source of labels — dictionaries

When dictionaries as a source of labels such options are accessible to the user are used:

  1. the Mode of a choice of labels – defines how the program will distribute labels between posts. Variants:

    • the Maximum of posts for a label – in this case the program will try to minimise quantity of labels, but thus it will turn out that for each label will be more posts
    • the Maximum of unique labels — absolutely opposite to the previous method. Labels will be more, but to each label it will be fixed less articles, than in the previous variant
    • it is casual – the fastest method. Thoughtlessly scatters labels on posts. Label presence in a post is not checked.
  2. Dictionaries of labels (only at arrangement from dictionaries) – dictionaries of labels which will be used. It is possible to use at once some dictionaries.

the Source of labels — heading

When headings of articles as a source of labels such options are accessible to the user are used:

  1. Quantity of words — how many words from heading to take for labels. For example if to choose one word then each word of heading if 2 — then each pair of words, i.e. is word combinations
  2. will get to article labels
  3. to Check word presence in the text — in this case the program adds only those words that is not only in heading but also in the text. Such labels more релеватные, but them will be much less
  4. to Supplement often used when does not suffice — if Zebroid has picked up less labels, than it would be desirable for the user then missing quantity of words the program takes from words often used in the text

the Source of labels — often used words

When often used words as a source of labels possibility to specify desirable length of labels (quantity of words in each label) is accessible to the user only are used.

the General options

As, without dependence that acts as a source of labels, the following set of options is accessible to the user:

  • to Duplicate labels in the field «keywords» — in the field keywords pages are inserted the found labels. In other words meta keywords on a site will be identical to the list of labels for each article
  • to Add to already existing labels — the field with labels is not cleared, and new labels are simply added to the old. It is recommended to use, when in articles already there is any certain set of labels and you have decided it to expand
  • Restriction of number of labels on a post – how many the maximum of labels can be in one article. The range of values
  • is accepted
  • to Do лемматизацию during search — to translate words in the initial form during search (only for Russian of texts). Activation of this option considerably improves chance a finding relevant to a label of articles

Categories on labels

Creation in the project of categories on labels is an additional operating mode of autolabels. This function allows to create on technology of arrangement of labels categories with names of suitable labels. It is useful to use, when you need to break texts on categories.