ZebroidDocumentationExportExport with custom format

Export with custom format

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In program: Project → Export → Custom format
Export to an adjusted format serves for possibility of creation of a content in a format simple CMS on a file or for export to the necessary (individual) format for the user. As it is applied to export of the project to separate text files.

an export Example in HTML files

an export Example in HTML files

The window consists from the manager of templates and two вкладок: «Articles and categories» and «Menu».

Tab of Article and a category

This вкладка to serve for adjustment of properties of a template and parametres of formation of files of articles and categories. In the editor to be entered the file template to which it will export. On a place of key values are left специальные variables which at export will be will be replaced with values corresponding to them.

Перечень variables

Value of options:

  • the profile Name — Names for an active profile;
  • UTF-8 — to keep in coding UTF-8
  • Type preservation of articles
  • Each article in a separate file — each article will be kept in a separate file which will bear article name in translit. In need of the necessary hierarchy folders will be created and to be added the list of articles of a category in a body of the category;
  • All articles in one file — all articles in one file are divided by the specified divider;
  • Pictures to keep in a folder — a folder for pictures;
  • the Forbidden symbols in ALT_NAME — the list of symbols which are forbidden for using in names of files;
  • to Replace on — on what to replace the forbidden symbols;
  • the Template of a name of a file — a template on which names of files (only for preservation in separate files) will be created. The list of used macroes in the contextual menu
  • the Template of references — a template on which references to internal pages will be created. The list of used macroes in the contextual menu

Tab of the Menu

This вкладка is responsible for formations of files of the menu if there is such necessity.

the Adjusted format (вкладка the menu)

the Adjusted format (вкладка the menu)

As well as in the first case there is an editor of a template in whom special variables will then be replaced with the necessary. The list of these variables on the same page, as in the first case. Only two options are specified: a name and a format of a generated file.

Перечень variables