ZebroidDocumentationExportExport to MS Excel

Export to MS Excel

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In program: Project → Export → MS Excel (XLS, CSV)
Export in Excel is export of the project in the form of table MS Excel. Besides export to format Microsoft Office the program is able to export and format CSV very close to it. Presence of established package Microsoft Office on the computer is not required.

Export Window in Excel

Export Window in Excel

For export in MS Excel it is necessary to create a profile and specify in what cell what to place. All the rest instead of you will be made by the program.

The option "Only non published " specifies to the program that posts which are necessary be exporting should to be only what the program still never exported through Excel, Autoposting or XML-RPC. To look at the published posts it is possible in a project tree having activated point of the contextual menu "ПКМ → Autoposting | XML-RPC → to Allocate used ".

If it is necessary to make export of an additional field in the column parametre enter a name доп. Fields. As there is a possibility to place in cells a part of the data from the text (all text, and a certain part). For this purpose the text should have a special marking: separate text blocks which you take from the text should is between тегами in square brackets. For example we have such text:

[TITLE] the Present food processor Magic Bullet [/TITLE]
[PICTURE] httр://top-shop.ru/productimages/10914_main_magicbullet.jpg [/PICTURE]
[MODEL] Magic bullet [/MODEL] 

As we see in the text there are 4 blocks: the name, a picture, the manufacturer, model. That the program took a certain part from the text and placed its value and a cell in the field an export profile the block name in square brackets is necessary to specify Parameter, for example for the name in the field value [TITLE] is necessary to enter Parameter