It is necessary for user to specify a folder in which pictures contain and to activate options approaching for an insert. As there is a possibility to take files for an insert from fonts in several modes:
- Completely in a random way — the program will mix the list of files before arrangement and will insert their what or checks as where it is necessary. Approaches for cases, when all pictures thematically or neutral under the maintenance
- From fonts alphabetically — to each post pictures will get out of a separate folder. In this case to the first post there will correspond the first folder, to the second — the second etc.
- From fonts (the folder name = article name) — to each post pictures will get out of a separate folder. In this case the name of a folder with pictures should be identical to the post name in which it is necessary to add these pictures
- From fonts (the folder name = the label name) — to each post pictures will get out of a separate folder. In this case the name of a folder with pictures should be identical at least to one label which is in a post
- From fonts (the folder name = value add. Fields gal_folder) — to each post will get out pictures of a separate folder. What folder соотвествует доп will define to what post. A field gal_folder
With options «the insert Place», «Space» and «Alignment» of problems should not be. The only thing that it is necessary to specify that an insert place can be by sign in the text (on special demands). This sign is set in the field under parametre «Alignment». The program will search for this sign in the text and in case of a successful finding to replace with its code of the image.
It is possible to specify how many pictures it is necessary to add in each article (it is possible in the form of a range), till what sizes it is necessary to adjust files and whence to take value of attribute alt тега pictures.