The window consists of two parts:
- Left — the list of images in the project. Ticks mark over what wish to perform the specified operations
- Right — adjustment уникализатора images, a preview.
With the left part all should be clear. The core at us is on the right:
- Preview — the option is responsible for, whether the future result of changes in active drawing (on weak computers can brake) will be displayed
- Delete EXIF/IPTC — the option is responsible for, whether there will be удаленна a given information with JPEG files. Its presence very strongly helps search engines so removal is recommended, especially considering that it does not influence visual characteristics of drawing. As, besides removal EXIF of the information there is a possibility to fill its user data (that will even more increase its uniqueness), for this purpose is necessary to edit a file userdata\default_exif.xml
- Quality JPEG — presses JPEG drawings in smaller quality. The minus — the image will look worse. Change of this option is not displayed on a preview
- image Turn/revolution — very strongly influences uniqueness of drawing. But it is necessary to consider that in the majority of drawings it is not comprehensible
- Framework — minuses practically are not present, pluses not only uniqueness, but also beauty:)
- Color and scale — these options very strongly influence uniqueness of the image, but it is necessary to be careful not to spoil drawing
- Watermark — its presence not only adds the Watermark of uniqueness, but also protects drawings from larceny
- Cut off — cuts off from drawing the quantity of symbols set by the user (allows will get rid of another's watermarks)