SE, and for users thus increases. Difference from other tools of autopictures consists that he creates similarity of small gallery in article. If on a site plug-in LightBox pictures will look even more effectively is established.
Options of minigalleries
First of all it is necessary to specify a folder-source of pictures. It can be a directory with pictures or a directory in which there are subdirectories with pictures, is dependent on what method Distributions of pictures you choose. Distribution of pictures can be several types:
- Completely in a random way — this method is necessary for using when to you it is indifferent what picture in what post will get
- From subfolders (alphabetically) — to each post pictures will get out of a separate folder. In this case to the first post there will correspond the first folder, to the second — the second etc.
- From subfolders (the folder name = article name) — to each post pictures will get out of a separate folder. In this case the name of a folder with pictures should be identical to the post name in which it is necessary to add these pictures
- From subfolders (the folder name = the label name) — to each post pictures will get out of a separate folder. In this case the name of a folder with pictures should be identical at least to one label which is in a post
In the latter case all pictures from folders with the name of labels which undertake co-exist to the given post and get out casual in the specified quantity. The reuse of the same pictures in this tool is not present.
Further it is necessary to define where and in what quantity it is necessary to insert pictures. a format of an insert of pictures :
- Only in the end of record — I will miniatures in the record end are added
- One big in the beginning, miniatures — in this case will be added in the end one picture in the beginning of a post with the reference to the original, the others — in the end of record
- One big in the middle, miniatures — in this case will be added in the end one picture in the middle of a post with the reference to the original, the others — in the end of record
- One big in the beginning and the middle, miniatures in the end — this variant unites previous two
The quantity of miniatures is set in a corresponding field (influences only quantity of small pictures in the end, without that in the middle or the record beginning). The range is authorised.
Further it is necessary to set the size of miniatures:
- If in Format of an insert of pictures you have chosen a variant with an insert of the big picture in the beginning or the middle the block "the Size of the big drawings " answers for their size.
- Block "the Size of miniatures " is responsible for the size of pictures in the end of record
(On what conduct references) have original pictures the invariable size.
Well and the last with what it is necessary will be defined on the first вкладке is with a parametre source alt for pictures:
- Alt from the post name — all pictures will have alt in the form of article name
- Alt from tagов (casual tag) — alt will be in the form of one of article labels
- Alt from tagов (popular tag) — alt will be in the form of one of article labels. If the method Distributions of pictures is based on labels the name of a folder with a picture will define alt, differently will be выборан tag which to a thicket meets in article
- Alt from the name + tag (casual tag) — the first and second variant together
- Alt from the name + tag (popular tag) — the first and third variant together
- Casual Alt — alt it will be chosen from a casual site of the text of article
- to Leave empty — alt remains empty
Template of an insert of miniatures
Given tab answers only how miniatures in the end of record will look. We have 3 blocks:
- Code to — is responsible for that will be is directly ahead of a code with miniatures. On a default costs tag table opening (at a variant of an insert of miniatures in stars or paragraphs this block is not necessary)
- Code for each miniature (or groups) — the most important. It is responsible for how miniatures will be inserted, in what kind etc. Supports the block [IMG_CELL]… [IMG_CELL] the code of an insert of one miniature from group (the quantity of miniatures in group is set in the field "Quantity of repetitions of block IMG_CELL on one рядок ") is inside defined. It is necessary for creation of tables of the necessary sizes. If it not to use — that for each miniature will be inserted all code of the block. As supports following macroes:
- {URL} — the reference on full of a picture
- {MINI} — the reference to a picture miniature
- {WIDTH} — width of a miniature
- {HEIGHT} — miniature height
- {ALT} — alt miniatures
- Code after — is responsible for that will be is directly after a code with miniatures. On a default costs tag table closings (at a variant of an insert of miniatures in stars or paragraphs this block is not necessary)