ZebroidDocumentationImportFile Import

File Import

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In program: Project → Import → File Import
Import of files is a basic way of filling of the project texts. Zebroid has very much ample opportunities on import of files of almost any format. It is possibility to import the data since text documents and finishing files dump databases.
the Window of import of files in project Zebroid

the Window of import of files in project Zebroid

The import window can be divided into 3 parts conditionally:

  1. the List of imported files (block «Source»)
  2. Options of import of different formats (Tab«Parsing»)
  3. Options of processing of texts after their import to the program (Tab «the Post processing»)


In the given window it is possible to see the list of files to import and structure of the future sections and articles (if respective import is used). All files out of a category get to a category on-default, or, if it HTML files with breakdown of articles on h1/2/3 — in categories according to breakdown rules. In this window there are 5 operating buttons:

  1. file Loading — a choice of one or several files to import to the project. The maximum quantity of files which can be loaded simultaneously by means of this button is limited from OS (if I am not mistaken there are more 255 files)
  2. Loading of files from a folder — it is similar to the first, only it is necessary for you to specify a folder in which there are all files to import. Restrictions on quantity are not present. Files will be added in the list in alphabetic order
  3. Loading with structure preservation — the Given type of loading is intended for import of files with preservation of structure of folders. As a result it will turn out that folders in the project will be categories, and files that in them are — articles of this category. It is necessary to specify a folder in which there are all files and folders that will participate in import

The program works with format HTML and if to import the usual text the program will try to make of it HTML, differently in the visual editor there will be a porridge and there will be questions: «why in a file there are carryings over, and on a site are not present?».

Tab «Parsing»

On this tab there are options of import HTML of files (also import Word of documents here concerns), TXT files, XML files, SQL files, and as parameters scraps of headings.


  • to Clean from garbage Word — whether clearing from unnecessary тегов which is necessary places Word. It is recommended to disconnect if do not import вордовский files as procedure of clearing brakes import process a little
  • Breakdown — we define necessity to break imported HTML and Word files on a category, subcategories and posts on тегам h1-h3 (in a Word it is Heading 1 — Heading 3). If is chosen «not to break», one file of import=to one post.
  • Headings on — If file breakdown the program needs to know by what principle to take the name for a post is not necessary. For it the given option answers


Here only options of formation of the name of article, and as an option responsible for import activation in a forum format. import to a forum format is a type of import with structure preservation when folders become categories, and folders with files — posts with comments. And the first file in such folder is a starting text (for forums is the first comment, for blogs is a text of article).


Choose a profile of import XML of files. Profiles can be adjusted and added in the tool "Profiles of import XML ".


Choose a profile of import SQL of files. Profiles can be adjusted and added in the tool "Profiles of import SQL ".


Choose a profile of import XLS, CSV files. Profiles can be adjusted and added in the tool "Profiles of import XLS ". At import CSV of files it is necessary to specify a divider of columns, for XLS files this option is ignored

the General options

  • Unknown type — action by which it is necessary to do with the files which expansion is not known to the program
  • the Filter by name — the options, allowing to import only those files which name corresponds to the mask specified by the user



Tab «the Post processing»

the Window of import of files with active tab «Post processing»

the Window of import of files with active tab « Post processing»

Adjustment of processing of a content after its import to the program. Here at us such options:

  • Category by default — the Category in which posts in which the program cannot define a category (for example at import of text files without structure preservation) will get;
  • to Register ALT to pictures — the menu of adjustment of automatic formation ALT to pictures in which it is not registered at import;
  • Delete all tags except specified — deletes all HTML tags except specified in the given field, a divider a blank. If a field to leave empty tags will leave will not be;
  • to Clear attributes тегов — Clears attributes тегов. Attributes тегов «a», «img» and as specified in the next field are not cleared;
  • the Drop-macro — starts the drop-macro chosen by the user for imported posts
  • the Coding on-default — the coding of imported files. It is recommended to use auto detection. For cases when auto detection works not correctly use other variants

All these parameters undertake from parameters specified in program options.