ZebroidDocumentationImportImport in mode of multisite project

Import in mode of multisite project

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Multisite projects — very convenient way of simultaneous work with several projects. But on by convenient work, it is necessary also convenient import with automatic breakdown of an imported content on sites. In this article I will describe current variants of such import.

Import HTML of files

If you import HTML files with breakdown on h1-h2/3 then it will be interesting to you to learn that addition of several tags will allow to break these files not only into categories and posts, but also on sites. An example of a file broken into sites:

<site> Site 1 </site>

<h1> the Category 1 </h1>

<h2> the Subcategory 1 </h2>

<h3> the Post 1 </h3>

The post text

<h3> the Post 2 </h3>

The post text

<h2> the Subcategory 2 </h2>

<h3> the Post 3 </h3>

The post text

<h3> the Post 4 </h3>

The post text

<h3> the Post 5 </h3>

The post text

<site> Site 2 </site>

<h1> the Category 2 </h1>

<h2> the Subcategory 3 </h2>

<h3> the Post 6 </h3>

The post text

<h3> the Post 7 </h3>

The post text

<h2> the Subcategory 4 </h2>

<h3> the Post 8 </h3>

The post text

<h3> the Post 9 </h3>

The post text

<h3> the Post 10 </h3>

The post text 

As it is possible you have already noticed has appeared тег site which describes the beginning of categories and site posts, and as the name (URL) a site. To whom it is not clear — copy the code resulted above, keep it in HTML a file and import in Zebroid (preliminary having chosen project type Multisajtovyj ).

Import of text files

At import of text files of anything especial it is not necessary to do. All that is necessary, it to import with structure preservation (where the folder name in which is a file — the future category of a post from this file), will do only with calculation that a folder of the uppermost level a site. After import, allocate all categories of the first level, click them with the right button of a mouse and choose point Additional — to Make of the allocated categories sites .

By the way this method will approach for import any kind where categories of the first level can be converted in sites.

Import XLS/ CSV

This variant the idle time. All that is necessary is a presence in a file of a separate column with the site name to which the post is fixed, and in the program for parametre a site to specify this column. Here is how such file approximately looks:

the Example of file XLS of a file in a format for мультисайтового the project

the Example of file XLS of a file in a format for мультисайтового the project