ZebroidDocumentationSettingsSettigs - Autosaving

Settigs - Autosaving

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In program: File → Settings → Autosaving
Project autosaving allows to avoid a situation of loss of the data because of failure in work of the computer, light switching-off, not true actions of the user or failure in the program. The program does background preservation of the project which can be restored in the project manager later in certain time intervals.

Options of autosaving of projects

Options of autosaving of projects

These options global also extend on all projects. Comprise following options:

  • Do autosaving — activation or autosaving deactivation
  • Keep everyone Х minutes — an interval of creation of the draught copy
  • Do it is no more Х copies — the maximum quantity of copies by which the program should do
  • Options of preservation of pictures . Pictures can be kept always, without looking at their quantity (attention, projects with a considerable quantity of pictures can very slowly will remain and to take a lot of place), to keep only if their quantity less certain value or not to keep in general

Each kept copy is archived. All process of preservation occurs in a background during adjustment by the user of the program or manual processing of articles of the project and is not swept up for the user. An exception is the call of tools for mass processing of the project when the program yet has not finished autosaving process. In this case the user will accept a window with progress of work of the module autosaving, on end of that the program will automatically continue the work.

That to restore the draught copy from autosaving , it is necessary to open the project manager , to cause the contextual menu on interesting the project and to choose point «to Restore the project from autosaving». The program will create the new project (the current project will not be mentioned) which will be the draught copy at the moment of preservation.

Restoration of the project from autosaving

Restoration of the project from autosaving

If in autosaving options preservation of pictures is disconnected — then it is necessary for you to open a folder with pictures of the old project (\projects\PROJECT_NAME\images\) and to copy its contained in a similar folder of the new project. The same needs to be done with a file «ImageList.bin» which is in a project folder.