ZebroidDocumentationSettingsSettings - Images

Settings - Images

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In program: File → Settings → Images
Options of work of the program with drawings. These options are responsible for formation of names to drawings at their addition in the project or parsing from search engines. Options remain only for the current project.

the Window of options of drawings for the project

the Window of options of drawings for the project

  • to Form title together with alt — this option is responsible for formation тега «title» at an insert of drawings in article text
  • the Template of a name of a file — rules by which the program is supervised at creation of a name of a file that is imported to the project. The list of supported macroes can be seen in the contextual menu for this field (the description of macroes more low)
  • to Use a template only at coincidence of names — whether this option is responsible for that name of a file will be always set by the program proceeding from a template or only if necessary
  • the Template for the Internet of pictures — a template of a name which is used for the pictures received with use of the tool "the picture Internet ". The list of supported macroes can be seen in the contextual menu for this field (the description of macroes more low)
  • the Way to the graphic editor — a way to the graphic editor whom you want to cause from a window "the Manager of drawings " for selective editing
  • the Server of pictures — the server which will be used for pouring of pictures during posting under report XML-RPC for blogs that do not support pouring of pictures on the hosting

There are such macroes of a template of a name of a file:

  • {filename} — a file name (only for «the Template of a name of a file»)
  • {post_name} — a post name, for which the file is imported (works in all cases except file addition through the manager of drawings)
  • {post_name_x} — a post name for which the file with restriction in x symbols, an example {post_name_50}
  • is imported
  • {increment} — increasing number (works at coincidence of names)
  • {microtime} — a microtime (юниксовое value of current time, is not effective at simultaneous import of a considerable quantity of files)
  • {rand (x, y)} — a random number from x to y
  • {parse_keys} — inquiry in ПС, with which help парсилась a picture (only for the Internet of pictures)