It does not matter for what tool you need to create accounts, the settings are the same.
The first time this window will be completely empty, and the data entry fields are not active. Before you drive in setting you must first create a new account. To do this, use the context menu in the left list, and then add one or more accounts. The program supports the categorization of unlimited nesting.
Basic settings
All fields are required for this tab
- Host — the address to which you want the program to connect (ip or server domain)
- Port — the port for the connection (usually port 21)
- Login — user login
- Password — user password (if you leave it blank, then during posting you will be asked to enter it)
Additional settings
It is important to properly configure additional settings; especially parameter — Default directory. The folder in which the program will try to send files depends from this parameter. The following illustration will help you understand where it gets the value for this parameter:
Удаленные каталог по умолчанию — это та папка на сервере, в которую будет заходить программа сразу после подключения. Программу всегда нужно отправлять в корневую папку вашей CMS. Путь задается относительно начальной папки вашего FTP аккаунта.
Если при логине в аккаунт вы попадаете сразу в нужную папку, значит поле необходимо оставить пустым.
Параметры Пассивный режим и ASCII режим необходимо активировать, если этого требуют настройки вашего сервера.
Максимальное число подключений — параметр который отвечает за то, во сколько потоков максимум можно загружать файлы на сервер программы. Чем больше — тем быстрее, но у каждого хостинга свои ограничения на количество одновременных подключений и желательно не выставлять этот параметр больше, чем возможно.
In order to understand is everything was made right, press Test button, it tries to establish a connection and displays a complete log of the results. It is not very difficult to read this log; lets walk through an example of such a log, and define some standard messages:
220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- 220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed. 220-Local time is now 10:50. Server port: 21. 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server. 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. USER test 331 User test OK. Password required PASS 111111 230-User test has group access to: test1 sshusers 230 OK. Current restricted directory is / CWD / 250 OK. Current directory is / CWD /web/ 250 OK. Current directory is /web QUIT 221-Goodbye. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes. 221 Logout.
The first 6 lines — a greeting from the server. In each server, it may be different. In this case, useful information can be found on the second line, where indicated, the maximum number of connections for this account — 50.
In the 7th line, the program sends the server login. The server checks whether a user with that name exist and if there it does (8th line), asks for a password. In the 9th line, the program sends the password in response the server should send is the password right or not.
Next comes an attempt to get into the correct directory. If everything is correct, then you should get a response similar to that described in the 15th line.