The designer distinguishes 3 types of references:
- Mezhurovnevye of the reference are references between pages that are at different levels of an enclosure in a project tree.
- Single-level references are references between pages that are at one level of an enclosure in a project tree, but necessarily they should have a same parent.
- Dot are references which are created by the user on concrete pages or pages вибраются by sign specified by the user. The banishing page gets out the program in a random way.
As it is told above, at use single-level перелинковки, all references are created between pages that have one parent (i.e. between posts within a category) but if there is a desire to refer between pages of one level, but different parents — then in межуровневой перелинковке it is necessary in the field a source and aim to specify the same level.
In each of kinds перелинковки (except the last) it is possible to set the list of pages on which should be more references, and in межуровневой перелинковке it is possible also to specify desirable quantity of references. In single-level перелинковке the quantity of references is not set how at the included mode ring перелинковки the quantity of rings defines quantity of references to such pages.
In each of kinds перелинковки (except the last) it is possible to specify desirable quantity of references created by the program in a percentage equivalent.
If you do not want any of kinds of references, all that is necessary for you it: in межуровневой and dot перелинковке not to specify parametres перелинковки, and in single-level — to disconnect it by means of switch deenergizing «to Activate internal перелинковку».
For removal any of types of references from the project (except the last as these references can be as межуровневыми and single-level) it is possible to use removal buttons that are located on соответсвующих tabх.
an anchor Source
As you have probably noticed, the program does not ask to specify what anchor in what reference to what page to substitute. All the matter is that it also is the basic difference from kinds existing in the program перелинковки. When to the user it is not so important what page from pages will receive what reference, how many to receive good reference on keywords (and all references will have «a useful» anchor ) or transfer concrete page of reference weight.
And nevertheless you can affect this process.
So, in the program there are such types of sources of an anchor:
- the post Name
- the Part of the name of a post
- Labels
- Blocks
- References pictures
- Autogenerated blocks
The priority of a choice of a source of an anchor in the program is exposed in the same order, as well as in the list (from above in a bottom).
Let's consider each of them separately.
the post Name — the contextual reference to the message where as an anchor the full name of a post on which it to see acts. The unusual occurrence as at long names the chance to see exact coincidence in banished article is very small suffices.
the Part of the name of a post — the contextual reference to the message where as an anchor the part of the name of a post on which it conducts acts. For example: if the post name «Plastic windows in Moscow» the program will search for such coincidence in the text: «Plastic windows» and «windows in Moscow». At long names the quantity of variants increases (and words are shorter than 3 symbols are not considered). The chance to receive a such anchor at close тематичности is enough articles of a site the big.
Labels — the contextual reference to the message where as an anchor one of post labels on which it to see acts. The chance to receive a such anchor at close тематичности is enough articles of a site the big.
Blocks — the reference to article that takes place in block in advance prepared by the user ввида: доанкорный the text #анкор# послеанкорный the text (if there is no allocation by signs an anchor sharp then all text will be a reference anchor). If to specify page to which the block then the program does not use him for references to other pages should refer. At correct registration of the block references created in it look quite naturally both for people, and for search engines, and anchors of such references always that is necessary for you.
References pictures — the reference to article where as an anchor the picture in which keywords acts are in тегах alt and title this picture. It is considered that such references are estimated by searchers at level of usual references, but in difference from last them it is possible to insert into any place of article provided that will be used тематичные or neutral pictures on subjects easily.
Autogenerated blocks is last from types of sources of anchors for references and it is used in the program when other types it was not possible To apply. These are the same blocks, only an anchor for them the program selects itself, being guided by the name and article labels to which she refers.