ZebroidDocumentationToolsText spinning

Text spinning

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In program: Tools → Text spinning
Reproduction of texts is a way to create from one text a little similar on sense but not identical on uniqueness if to compare their method шинглов. This way happens useful when it is necessary to place a number of articles on different sites which I will refer to the basic site. In that case the same article on different sites can be regarded by searchers as duplicates and weight of references will not be просуммирован. Qualitatively multiplied article will be will cause a stir in the opinion of ПС that will serve as plus by transfer of weight of the reference.

Testing of options of reproduction of texts

Testing of options of reproduction of texts

To create a template for reproduction it is simple enough: it is necessary to write article with the subjects necessary to you, and then for words or word combinations to add variants of replacement equivalent on sense. An example of such template:

This is a beautiful {service|tool} which {allows you to|can} {easily|recursively} {spin|rotate|generate} {text|text content|content}. 

Words in braces divided симолом "|" are the variants one of which chooses the program at result generation. The maximum quantity of unique variants at this template — 72. Here some examples of results of generation:

This is a beautiful tool which can recursively rotate content.
This is a beautiful service which allows you to easily spin text.
This is a beautiful tool which can recursively rotate text content. 

You can use other operating symbols, all that from you it is required — to adjust the program correctly. As it is necessary to notice that templates support an unlimited enclosure of variants.

Correctness of the templates and options it is possible to check up on вкладке «Testing»: