ZebroidDocumentationSupported CMSCMSimple


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In program: Project → Export → Custom export
CMSimple — a simple and easy control system of a site content (CMS), developed by Peter Anders Harteg (Peter Andreas Harteg). CMSimple works on files.


Export to this CMS is carried out in the form of a profile adjusted export . The profile is included in complete set Zebroid. If for any reasons you do not have this profile download you it can (to unpack on this page in a folder Zebroid\userdata\Custom Export\Default \).

Exported it is necessary to fill in a file simply on a hosting.


Besides export, Zebroid as supports import from this CMS. To import very simply as it is usual import HTML of files with breakdown on тегам < h>.

Options for import CMSimple

Options for import CMSimple

Simply establish ticks opposite to points, as is shown in a screenshot.