ZebroidDocumentationSupported CMSSquidoo.com


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In program: Project→ Export→ Autoposting
Squidoo is a site allowing you very simply and quickly to create own pages (so-called «lenses»). It is very popular in an English-speaking segment of the Internet.

Export to this CMS is carried out in the form of a profile autoposting . The profile is included in complete set Zebroid. If for any reasons you do not have this profile download you it can (to unpack on this page in a folder Zebroid\userdata\Autoposting Scripts\Default\).

For export simply open an autoposting window, add a new account, enter the data for access on a site and choose the created profile. After account preservation it is possible to start export process.

Note: the given script works only on Zebroid versions 4.6.2 and above