ZebroidDocumentationSupported CMSNetCat


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In program: Project → Export → NetCat
NetCat is a professional control system of sites, it is developed since 1999 and is one of leaders in the Russian market commercial CMS. Zebroid supports only export of articles and categories to this CMS.

Export in NetCat is realised in a kind file export . That it was possible to import on a site a file generated by Zebroidom, at first it is necessary to establish on it the import module .

Module installation consists of 2 stages: support addition

tags in the module «Publications: Articles simple» and it is direct the installation of the module. The first stage not obligatory but if support tags it is necessary for carrying out before establishing the module is necessary to you.

NetCat: tagsin «Publications: Articles simple»

Attentively follow the instruction:

  1. we Open module options "Publications: Articles simple ", the Field bookmark. We press the button to add a field and it is entered the following data:

    the field Name: Tags
    The description: Теги
    Field type: the Line 

  2. Pass on tab"component Editing ". Добавте in the field "Object in the list " next lines (where that in средину):

    ". ($tagsSUB_Hidden_URL?"
    <div class ='nc_tags'>
    ". (! $inside_admin? opt ($tags=listQuery (" SELECT a. Tag_ID, b. Tag_Text FROM Tags_Message AS a LEFT JOIN Tags_Data AS b ON a. Tag_ID=b. Tag_ID WHERE Sub_Class_ID=$ cc AND Message_ID=$ f_RowID GROUP BY a. Tag_ID "," \". (\$i? \", \": \" \"). \" <a href=' $ tagsSUB_Hidden_URL? tag=\$ data [Tag_ID] &tagcc=$cc ' \". (\$ data [Tag_ID] == \" $ _ GET [tag] \"? \" class ='nc_selected_tag ' \": \" \"). \"> \$ data [Tag_Text] </a> ")," "):" ")."
    ". ($f_Tags?" Tegi: ". (! $inside_admin? $tags: $f_Tags):" Tegi are not set ")."
    </div> ":" ")." 

  3. On the same tab, in the field "object Display " add (where that in средину):

    <! - tags->
    ". ($tagsSUB_Hidden_URL?"
    <div class ='nc_tags'>
    ". (! $inside_admin? opt ($tags=listQuery (" SELECT a. Tag_ID, b. Tag_Text FROM Tags_Message AS a LEFT JOIN Tags_Data AS b ON a. Tag_ID=b. Tag_ID WHERE Sub_Class_ID=$ cc AND Message_ID=$ f_RowID GROUP BY a. Tag_ID "," \". (\$i? \", \": \" \"). \" <a href=' $ tagsSUB_Hidden_URL? tag=\$ data [Tag_ID] &tagcc=$cc '> \$data [Tag_Text] </a> ")," "):" ")."
    ". ($f_Tags?" Tegi: ". (! $inside_admin? $tags: $f_Tags):" Tegi are not set ")."
    </div> ":" ")." 

  4. On the same tab, in the field "System options " add (in the end):

    # options tags
    $tagsSUB_ID=$MODULE_VARS [' tagscloud '] [' TAGS_SUB_ID '];
    if ($tagsSUB_ID) $tagsSUB_Hidden_URL=$db-> get_var ("SELECT Hidden_URL FROM Subdivision WHERE Subdivision_ID =". $ tagsSUB_ID. ""); 

  5. Keep changes
  6. Pass on tab"Addition ". In the field "Action after object addition " write down:

    # it is added теги
    nc_tag_add ($sub, $cc, $msgID, $f_Tags);
    if ($inside_admin) {
    ob_end_clean ();
    header ("Location: $goBackLink&inside;_admin=1");
    } else {
    ". $goBack;
    echo "

  7. Keep changes
  8. Pass on tab"Change ". In the field "Action after object change " write down:

    # we update records tags
    nc_tag_drop ($cc, $message);
    nc_tag_add ($sub, $cc, $message, $f_Tags);
    if ($inside_admin) {
    ob_end_clean ();
    header ("Location: $goBackLink&inside;_admin=1");
    } else {
    ". $goBack;
    echo "

  9. On the same tab, in the field "Action after object removal ":

    # we will remove tagsmessages
    nc_tag_drop ($cc, $message);
    if ($inside_admin) {
    ob_end_clean ();
    header ("Location: $goBackLink&inside;_admin=1");
    } else {
    ". $goBack;
    echo "

  10. Sohranie изминения

Installation of the module of import

Module installation consists of such stages:

  1. Download the module necessary for your version NetCat
  2. Come in админку NetCat

    → Tools → module Installation
    Choose a file and press Zakachat After module installation come into its options and specify following parametres (an example ):

    • MODULE_ID – component number to which articles, in the complete list of components of system will be imported
    • TITLE_FIELD_NAME – a field name «article Name» in a component
    • ANNOUNCE_FIELD_NAME – a field name «article Announcement» in a component
    • TEXT_FIELD_NAME – a field name «article Text» in a component
    • DATE_FIELD_NAME – a name weeding «Date» in a component
    • TAGS_FIELD_NAME – a name of a field «Tagi» in a component
    • AUTHOR_FIELD_NAME – a name weeding «Author» in a component

    NetCat 4.5.tgzSize: 6,51 Kb