ZebroidDocumentationSupported CMSWordPress


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In program: Project → Export → WordPress
For today WordPress — one of the most popular platforms for blogs. Zebroid has the maximum support of this CMS (import of a content from a site in the program, export from the program on a site, and as support of comments).


Export in WordPress exists 3 kinds:

  1. File export
  2. XML-RPC export
  3. Autoposting

Particularities each type of export

In difference from others CMS, all is necessary for interaction Zebroid and WordPress is from a box. The only thing that probably it is necessary to establish a plug-in of import of files, but CMS itself will suggest it to make, as soon as you will open in админке page «Tools

→ Import WordPress».


The autoposting profile is included in complete set Zebroid. If for any reasons you do not have this profile download you it can (to unpack on this page in a folder Zebroid\userdata\Autoposting Scripts\Default\).

For export simply open an autoposting window, add a new account, enter the data for access on a site and choose the created profile. After account preservation it is possible to start export process.


As already it was mentioned earlier, Zebroid is able to import a content from WordPress. For content import it is used:

The most functional is the first variant.

Features of work

At work with this CMS there is enough considerable quantity of features so we urgently recommend will familiarise with this section.

  • WordPress supports filling add. Fields of plug-ins , but only during file export. On XML-RPC it is forbidden to do it, therefore, if you want, that at you were filled with the program мета теги articles — use file export. Names of fields for мета тегов are established in options: the File

    → Options → Export in CMS
    Zebroid is able to send meta tags to posts in WordPress but as this information is stored in add. Fields restrictions are similar described in the previous point. To specify names add. Fields it is possible in export options in CMS (names depend on a plug-in which you use on a site) very popular problem — addition of a miniature of article . Since the version of the program 4.5 there was a support of addition to posts of miniatures during posting XML-RPC. To add a miniature, it is necessary, that in a post it has been used add. A field with a name thumb with a local picture If you want, that your project was published not in a kind of articles of a blog and categories, and in the form of pages and подстраниц — then in project options (the File

    → Options → Export in CMS), before export, activate an option «to Export in WordPress in the form of pages and subpages» At the publication of records with comments, comments are displayed at once on a site , without dependence from that what at them publication date. The matter is that CMS does not watch date of the publication of comments as for the usual user of necessity in such функционале is not present. But for buyers Zebroid the exit is — a plug-in (more low in this article) which watches that comments appeared not earlier than put time. During file import WordPress asks what to do with authors of posts which are specified in a file: to create or use the existing. If you choose a variant to «create», and any of authors has ник which is already occupied CMS will simply pass this author, and its articles will assign to the administrator. Such happens at project sending in already uploaded a blog and unfortunately from party Zebroid nothing can be done with it. It is necessary for you to choose for each author from the list of the user with same anybody.

  • Plug-in of the postponed publication of comments

    As WordPress behind date of the publication of comments, and it is not so beautiful, when in the first seconds of publishing of the article at once all comments are displayed on page the plug-in which incurs performance of this function has been developed.
    Adminka of a plug-in of the postponed publication of comments

    Admin of a plug-in of the postponed publication of comments

    The plug-in does so that comments with not come date were not published. The plug-in completely universal also does not depend on a template. Its unique minus — comments appear not right after how their time has come, but only to the moment отрабатывания the scheduler, and it means that not more often than time at an o'clock. But actually it not the big problem, the main thing that in the opinion of ПС the site will gradually acquire not only new posts, but also comments, and, whether during correct time they have appeared they cannot learn.The instruction on installation:
    1. Download a plug-in
    2. Unpack on the server in a folder \wp-content\plugins\
    3. Activate and adjust a plug-in