ZebroidDocumentationSupported CMSMODx Evo

MODx Evo

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In program: Project → Export → MODx
MODx Evo — a control system of a content and a platform for creation of web sites and web appendices. Zebroid supports as import of a content from a site in the program, and export from the program on a site.


Export in MODx Evo is carried out in a kind file export. To import created during export by Zebroid a file in CMS — it is necessary to establish the import module.

  1. Download module files
  2. Unpack files in a folder SITE_ROOT/assets/modules/
  3. Enter CMS admin → Modules → Management of modules → the New module

    to Fill fields of the description of the module as to you it is convenient (more preferably as on a screenshot ) In the field «a module Code (php)» to write:
    include_once (MODX_BASE_PATH.'assets/modules/zebroid/import.php '); 
  4. Possibilities


    As already it was mentioned earlier, Zebroid is able to import a content from MODx Evo. For content import it is used SQL import.