Before start of assemblage of fields it is necessary to create rules of search of values in the text. For this purpose will add in the necessary list necessary quantity of rules and adjust them.
Options of rules of search of values:
- to Receive from — defines whence value will be received: from тега in triangular brackets, them тега in square brackets or from regular expression
- to Write down in — in what field the found value (only for standard fields) will be written down
- to Delete from the text — if it is active, after a successful transfer of meaning in the necessary field, it will be removed from the post text
- the Name тега — if in the field to Receive from reception value from тега it is necessary to fill out a name of it тега is chosen
- Reg. Expression — if in the field to Receive from value reception is chosen from regular value it is necessary to write down this regular expression in a current field
- Group — group from which value will be received, at coincidence of regular expression (0 — all contents of the found value)
- the field Name — the name of an additional field in which value (only for additional fields) will be written down