ZebroidDocumentationWorking with textRelated articles

Related articles

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In program: Content processing → Related articles
Similar articles — the tool which searches for articles similar on flowing and inserts on them the reference in the end of the text. It allows competently перелинковать the project.

Search of similar articles (the general options)

Search of similar articles (the general options)

The tool has a number of options which allow is achieved it is necessary result: from search of really very similar articles, to an insert of references to articles, which only отдаленно are similar on flowing * (but in the second case the quantity of references will be considerable the big.

the General options

  • on one post — how many similar articles are necessary for the program to find Quantity of similar articles to each post. In an ideal, by results of tool work in each article there will be a specified quantity of references
  • not to put the reference to articles which date of the publication is more — the program will not refer to articles which date of the publication more than date of the publication of current article to avoid a situation in which the reference conducts on yet not published article
  • to Add casual articles if there is less than minimum — if the program does not find the necessary quantity of similar articles, it will take casual articles to fill this blank
  • the Minimum of similar articles — a minimum which the program will begin to reach at addition of casual articles
  • Accuracy of search — the above accuracy of search, the is more chance that articles found the program are really very similar, but thus the quantity of suitable articles will be less

If the option «is activated to Add casual articles...», then it is impossible to choose «Accuracy of search» as the program will consider that comprehensible accuracy of search «Low». It is important to know that without dependence from accuracy of search the program all the same sorts found articles on degree of similarity and first of all deduces as much as possible similar (in its opinion) articles.

the Estimation of similarity of articles

Search of similar articles (an estimation of similarity of articles)

Search of similar articles (an estimation of similarity of articles)

Parametres in this вкладке I am responsible for by what criterion to estimate similarity of articles. For example, according to the user similarity of headings is more important, in that case it puts «Importance of heading» degree «is very important», while other parametres leaves as is. Or, for example, if you consider that coincidence in labels should not influence similarity of articles then this parametre should put value «is not used».

If to all parametres to establish value «is not used» — the program will not manage to find any similar article.

an insert Code

Search of similar articles (an insert code)

Search of similar articles (an insert code)

This вкладка comprises options which are responsible for a code which the program will add in the end of each article to which it managed to find the similar.

the block Code is a skeleton of the block «Similar articles». Instead of a macro {RELATED_POSTS} — points of the list of similar articles will be substituted. Presence of this macro necessarily.

a point Code — a code of each point of the list of similar articles. The following set of macroes is used:

  • {TITLE} — article name on which the reference
  • will conduct
  • {DESCRIPTION} — article description on which the reference
  • will conduct
  • {URL} — the reference to similar article
  • {ADDIT_FIELD (NAME)} — доп. Field NAME (it is possible to use any name necessary for the user) articles on which the reference will conduct. It is possible to use, for example, for a conclusion of a miniature of article on which we will be ссылатся