ZebroidDocumentationWorking with textSearch and replace

Search and replace

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In program: Content processing → Replace...
By means of it the menu you can carry out search and replacement under all documents in the project. It can be both cleaning from unnecessary symbols, and replacement of one variant by the second. The tool supports regular expressions and search in several fields of article (heading, the text, the description etc.).

a program Window: Search and replacement

a program Window: Search and replacement

The window shares on 2 parts: left (sliding) is снипеты, i.e. the kept rules of search and replacement, right — the list corrected search and replacement.

At first you need to create one or several rules search and replacement (for this purpose use the button to add in the top part of a window of the program) and to enter the rules of search (the top field for text input) and replacements (the bottom field for text input).

Zebroid is able to do replacement in texts, headings, labels, a field description or in all this field simultaneously. For that, where exactly will be replacement is made the field the Source answers.

As regular expressions which allow very flexibly indistinct to operate text search are supported. For those who is badly familiar with regular expressions or wants to check up made регулярку, the tool "the Designer of regular expressions " which is created caused through the button near an option «Regular expressions».

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