ZebroidDocumentationWorking with textKeywords diversification

Keywords diversification

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In program: Content processing → Keywords diversification
If you have a necessity to add in texts of articles certain keywords then you will be helped by the tool «Podmeshivanie of keywords». The program inserts keywords as is without morphology therefore given функционал will not approach for articles of sites of level СДЛ.

tool Options« Podmeshivanie of keywords »

tool Options« Podmeshivanie of keywords »

Options very simple. First of all it is necessary for you to specify a file with keywords (each word or a word combination should begin since a new line) and as to choose by what principle they should be added in texts:

  • to Insert if — an option which answers in what case a certain keyword should add in certain article. If to use value «Without a condition» — that the program will choose in a random way keywords for an insert
  • to Pass if — a condition at which the program will not insert at all a certain keyword into article. Approaches if you do not want, that the keyword which already is in article has been added repeatedly
  • an insert Place — where keywords
  • should be inserted
  • to Use each keyword maximum Х of times — restriction on use of keywords
  • the Maximum of keywords for each article — restriction on quantity of inserted keywords in each of articles
  • an insert Template — a template on which keywords will be inserted. The macro "{{KEYWORD}} " will be replaced with the keyword chosen by the program. For example, if you want, that words were inserted in brackets — use such template "({{KEYWORD}})"