ZebroidDocumentationWorking with textClear posts/titles

Clear posts/titles

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In program: Content processing → Clear posts/titles
There are situations when articles have got to the project improper or not unique (among themselves). To search for such articles manually on the big projects practically it is not real. Or cases when headings of articles it is necessary to lead эдиному to style and to remove from them superfluous symbols and blanks. In it should be engaged, and is engaged, the program.

Cleaning of headings of articles

Cleaning of headings of articles

On the first вкладке the tool we see group of options, for cleaning of headings. With their help you can remove superfluous blanks, punctuation marks or теги from heading or to cut off headings till the necessary size.

As here there is a tool of search of not suitable headings (too short or repeating names of articles) and their automatic generation on the new.

Vkladka «Headings 2»

we lead names of articles to uniform style

we lead names of articles to uniform style

When it is necessary to make so that all names of articles have been executed in one registration then you perfectly will accept «Formatting of names». Everything that is required from the user is to choose which variant to it approaches more.

Vkladka of «Article»

Search of improper articles

Search of improper articles

This option is responsible for «correctness» of articles. She is able to search for very short articles and very long articles , article in which it is a lot of words that begin with a capital letter, it is a lot of спецсимволов or figures etc.

As there is a possibility to search for article under the black or white list of words. If you choose search in the black list of words — then the program will consider bad articles in which texts there are words specified by the user. If you choose search in the white list of words — then the program will consider bad articles in which texts there are no words specified by the user.

Not translated

Vkladka «Editing HTML»

Editing HTML of a code of articles

Editing HTML of a code of articles

This вкладка has a set of options which will allow to receive pure and валидный a code of articles. You can:

  • to Transform carryings over of lines to paragraphs (тег p)
  • to Close open теги
  • to rectify errors HTML of a marking (in particular registration of attributes тегов)
  • to Change formatting of paragraphs
  • to Remove superfluous теги or to clear attributes тегов
  • to Remove not валидные symbols in the text

Vkladka Search of duplicates

Search of duplicates of articles

Search of duplicates of articles

Search of duplicates of articles using a method шинглов. It is one of the most popular methods of odd search. With its help it is possible to find not only articles which are completely identical each other, but also very similar under the maintenance.

Zebroid is able to delete HTML теги by search and to do лемматизацию words (reduction of words to an initial lemma). Found articles can be deleted, or to transfer to a special category for the further definition of their destiny.

Tool options very simple and clear, the only thing that it is necessary to note:

the Option "Fast search " all the same checks texts a method шинглов, simply compares not all texts. For example, at use of fast search in similar under the name, the program will compare texts only those articles, at which names very similar. And depending on options of uniqueness of texts the decision will make what to do with article.