Then set the sizes of articles on an exit, mark articles which it is necessary to use as sources and a way of formation of names to new articles. Start process and the program processes articles forming new, unique texts. Читабельность such texts will wish certainly the best, but in a case if unique texts for сплогов, дорвеев or other projects for which читабельность not key parametre — the way perfectly will approach are necessary for you.
So we will understand with options:
- — articles it is possible to mix hashing Type either paragraphs, or offers. In the first case there will be more readable text, in the second — more unique
- the Way of distribution — defines as blocks of the text from different sources will be inserted. If by turns, then approximately on following algorithm: the first block (the offer or the paragraph) from the first article, the second block from the second article, the third block from thirds of article, further the fourth block again from the first article, the fifth — from the second, the sixth — from thirds. If in disorder then the program will take blocks in a different order, the main thing that it was more or less in regular intervals and without possibility to insert 2 blocks successively from the same article
- the Way of a choice of posts — defines as articles for hashing will get out. If it is chosen from categories then the program for hashing takes all posts from different categories (quantity of categories it will be equal quantity of posts necessary for hashing) if all together then the program does not look at categories and chooses posts in a casual order
- for hashing — with скольких posts the program will do Quantity of posts new (than more — that the text is more unique, but also it is worse read to those)
- the Size of created articles — the minimum quantity at which achievement the program will keep article and to pass to creation of the following. If the parametre is defined in blocks then the program will consider not symbols, and blocks which used at article creation (the block is an offer or the paragraph, depends on options above)
- New articles to place in — a category name in which the program will keep articles. If the category does not exist — Zebroid will create it
- to Delete after end — the option is responsible for necessity of removal of articles-sources on project end. If it is chosen «Used articles» — that the program will remove only those articles from which one block for creation new has been received at least
Autonames — these options are responsible for a principle of creation of names to new articles.