ZebroidDocumentationSupported CMSfacebook.com


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In program: Project → Export → Autoposting
With the help posting in Facebook you have a possibility quickly and without superfluous efforts to fill the groups and personal pages in one of the most popular social networks of the world. Zebroid is able постить text messages, and as messages with a picture. It it is possible to do all at once in some accounts.

the Window of profiles Facebook

the Window of profiles Facebook

For tool use first of all you need to create one or several accounts and to fill the data for login in these accounts. To be created accounts using the contextual menu in the list of profiles. Which it is necessary to fill fields:

  • Name — the name of a profile for simplification of its identification in the list. It is recommended to use the group name in which posting will be conducted using an account
  • E-mail — the e-mail address which is used for login ВКонтакте
  • Password
  • URL — the full address of page Facebook, on которою it is necessary to fill the form of sending of messages. If you want, that the program sent messages on a wall of the user — the field can be left empty
  • Proxy — options of a proxy which will be used for posting through a current account. A format of record or «IP: Рort» (if are used usual HTTP a proxy), or «socks4://IP: Рort» (if are used SOCKS4 a proxy)

The field from a proxy is not obligatory, the program is able to substitute a proxy and from the kept list in the program, but the proxy the server is recommended to assign nevertheless to each account and to use only it. Facebook very seriously concerns calling with different IP addresses.

Posting Options

Options of posting Facebook

Options of posting Facebook

The user has in with we howl the order following options of posting:

  • to Publish — a way of a choice of posts of the project for the publication in Facebook
  • Distribution of posts — a way of distribution of posts between the accounts chosen for posting.
    • Under one article on a circle — each post in a new account and so on a circle, posts
    • yet will not end will be published in this case
    • On a category on a circle — all posts from one category in a new account and so on a circle, categories
    • yet will not end will be published in this case
    • Dependence: the category name — a group name — allows to supervise this way process of hit of posts in the necessary blogs. A category name in which there are posts should coincide with a group name in which there are profiles of blogs (an example )
    • Dependence: the category name — a profile name — allows to supervise this way process of hit of posts in the necessary blogs. The name of a profile of a blog should coincide with a name of a category of the project (an example )
    • Each article in each blog — all articles will be sent in all noted blogs
  • to Make multiple copies articles — necessity to apply a template of reproduction of articles before the publication of the text of the message. Besides profile activation it is necessary to choose one of profiles of options for reproduction (that the program knew by what principle the template is made)
  • If it is less than posts than profiles then to use repeatedly — in case any profiles will not manage posts, the program reuses already messages earlier published on another profiles. If this option is not active, Zebroid will not allow, that any message simultaneously has been sent in some groups
  • Additional conditions — additional conditions of a choice of posts for posting. Are active — if in them there is a necessity
  • the Pause between the message — a pause in seconds between sending of messages within one account
  • Quantity of accounts in which it is possible simultaneously постить , in other words quantity of streams
  • to Use a proxy — it is necessary or not to use a proxy. If the option is not active, even in case proxies are fixed to an account — the program will not use them

posting Process in Facebook

a posting Window in Facebook

a posting Window in Facebook

Everything that from you is required that the program has begun постить is to note ticks accounts in which you want to send messages and to press the button to start. After that the program will be switched to a browser window in which all process of sending of messages in соц will be displayed. A network.